RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Effects of Incorporating a Blood Center Tour in the Immunohematology Course JF American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science JO Clin Lab Sci FD American Society of Chemistry and Laboratory Science SP 156 OP 160 DO 10.29074/ascls.22.3.156 VO 22 IS 3 A1 Jator, Eleanor K. YR 2009 UL http://hwmaint.clsjournal.ascls.org/content/22/3/156.abstract AB OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of incorporating a blood center tour in the immunohematology course on the confidence and knowledge of studentsDESIGN: In-class lecture on the major blood center activities and tour of the Red Cross. Pre- and post- tests administered. To compare levels of understanding, confidence and overall tour impact, paired T- test and Chi-Square analyses were performed and frequencies calculated.SETTING: Medical Technology program at Austin Peay State University, Clarksville TN American Red Cross in Nashville TNPARTICIPANTS: Fifteen students who registered in immunohematology course.INTERVENTION: Two phases: First, a brief introduction, description and observation of the donation activities. Secondly, explanations and observation of blood components preparations, labeling, storage, distribution, and quarantine. Both phases included question and answer sessions.OUTCOME MEASURES: Comprehension of blood center activities; self confidence; increase knowledge of job alternative.RESULTS: Students showed an increase in course content knowledge; 62% on the pre-test and 69% on post-test (P=0.004). Although the post-test score was better than the pre-test, 69% is not a great score. Students probably did not take the exam seriously since there was no grade involved. More students felt good (40%) about their confidence in facing the blood bank clinical rotations and ultimately the national certification exam. The tour perfectly complemented lectures. Interaction with other medical technologists was very informative (53%). Levels of understanding of major blood center activities increased (P< 0.05) except for the phlebotomy stage (P=0.07).CONCLUSION: A blood center tour incorporated into the immunohematology course is a valuable addition to the learning experience of students. Students have the opportunity to interact with employees in their workplace, with potential employers, and they build self confidence in the subject area.ABBREVIATIONS: MT=medical technology