PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Latshaw, Sandra AU - Honeycutt, Karen TI - Professionalism – A Required CLS/CLT Curricular Component AID - 10.29074/ascls.23.3_Supplement.24 DP - 2010 Jul 01 TA - American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science PG - 24--31 VI - 23 IP - 3 Supplement 4099 - 4100 - SO - Clin Lab Sci2010 Jul 01; 23 AB - OBJECTIVE: Determine the impact of requiring Clinical Laboratory Science (CLS) students to participate in approved professionalism activities as part of a mandatory management course.DESIGN: Quasi-experimental, case study reporting qualitative results of 25 CLS students. During the admission interview, students complete a written response to questions about their perceptions related to professionalism. During the clinical educational year, students are required to complete approved professionalism activities as part of a management course. At the end of the course, students write a reflective paper focusing on their professional activities and how these experiences will influence their future professional practice. Overall themes of student reflections are provided.SETTING: University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) CLS Program in OmahaCONCLUSION: After participating in a mandatory professionalism curricular component requiring active student participation in professional activities, student reflective writings provide evidence this is one successful approach to nurture professional identity within future Clinical Laboratory Science/Clinical Laboratory Technician (CLS/CLT) practitioners.ABREVIATIONS: ASCLS = American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science, ASCP = American Society for Clinical Pathology, CLS = Clinical Laboratory Science, CLS/CLT = Clinical Laboratory Scientist/Clinical Laboratory Technician, DCLS = Clinical Laboratory Science Doctorate, NAACLS = National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Scientists, UNMC = University of Nebraska Medical Center