RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Preparing CLS Professionals to be Consumers and Producers of Research JF American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science JO Clin Lab Sci FD American Society of Chemistry and Laboratory Science SP 19 OP 23 DO 10.29074/ascls.23.3_Supplement.19 VO 23 IS 3 Supplement A1 Saleh, Suha M. A1 Hamed, Kastro M. YR 2010 UL http://hwmaint.clsjournal.ascls.org/content/23/3_Supplement/19.abstract AB Research proficiency is part of the curriculum in all NAACLS accredited CLS programs. Learning the basic research tools enables students to understand and interpret published research as informed consumers of research. This paper describes an improved and innovative approach to prepare future CLS professionals to be both analytical consumers and active producers of pertinent research.ABBREVIATIONS: CLS: Clinical Laboratory Science, NAACLS: National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science, UTEP: University of Texas-El Paso, TACLS: Texas Association for Clinical Laboratory Science