PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Dubansky, Brooke AU - Lewis, Sally AU - Telgenhoff, Dale TI - Classification and Histological Characteristics of Colorectal Cancer AID - 10.29074/ascls.2022003206 DP - 2023 Apr 01 TA - American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science PG - 50--54 VI - 36 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - Clin Lab Sci2023 Apr 01; 36 AB - Classification and staging of recognized colorectal cancer subtypes are based on histological characteristics of the lesion and predictable changes in morphology. Adenocarcinoma arising from adenomatous polyps is the most common type of colorectal cancer. The histological progression from benign, non-neoplastic polyps to invasive neoplastic adenocarcinoma is, in many cases, correlated with specific molecular aberrations. This review describes the classification, histological characteristics, and progression of non-neoplastic, as well as benign and malignant neoplastic, colorectal lesions.