PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Jensen, Andrea L. TI - Learning Analysis of an Introductory Immunology Laboratory Course AID - 10.29074/ascls.2021003190 DP - 2023 Jan 01 TA - American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science PG - 27--31 VI - 36 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - Clin Lab Sci2023 Jan 01; 36 AB - Medical laboratory science (MLS) educators must frequently evaluate their instructional techniques to ensure that learners are being adequately prepared for professional practice. For this purpose, a learning analysis was performed on an introductory immunology laboratory course in a university-based MLS program. The course was examined through the lenses of constructivism and McClusky’s Theory of Margin. While the course was found to utilize several constructivist- and margin-centered techniques, the analysis revealed areas that may be improved through further operationalization of constructivist- and margin-based teaching and learning methods.