Table 1.

Responses to change

QuestionsStrongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree norDisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeTotal % in Agreement
The shift, FROM fee for service, eg, “clinical laboratory fee schedule” reimbursed TO bundled, capitated, or value-based reimbursement is commanding significant attention from our parent organization.184%277%13133%14235%8421%56.2%
Significant change in our laboratory will occur as a direct result of this reimbursement change.184%297%13534%14636%7418%54.7%
Our laboratory feels significant pressure to demonstrate our value to our institution’s senior leadership.184%4010%7619%14235%12631%66.7%
Our laboratory feels significant pressure to cut costs.154%256%8521%13032%14737%68.9%

Note: Agree + strongly agree = total percent in agreement.