Table 1.

Factor levels to manage bleeds

Severity of Bleed

Type of Bleed
Desired FVIII Level
Mild hemorrhagesEarly hemarthrosis, epistaxis, gingival bleeding30 IU1–3 doses FVIII
Major hemorrhagesLate hemarthrosis, muscle bleeds50 IUMany doses, with continuous monitoring of FVIII levels
Life-threatening bleedMajor trauma or operation, advanced or recurrent hemarthrosis, major gastrointestinal bleeding, head trauma, compromise of limb or compartment syndrome80–100 IUContinuous infusions

*The formula for patient dosage to determine the number of units of FVIII to correct the activity level is as follows: Dose in FVIII IU = (wt in kg) × (desired FVIII increase (IU)) × (0.5 IU/kg per IU/dL).