Table 1.

Summary of biochemical approaches and techniques discussed Abbreviations: API, analytical profile index; AST, antimicrobial susceptibility testing; ID, identification; MALDI, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization; MS, mass spectrometry.

Isolation RequiredGrowth Required for ID

Description of Approach
Single-tube testsYesYesChristensen’s urea agar, Simmons’ citrate mediumEach tube needed requires inoculation, 1 reaction per tube, may need 8–20 different tubes for identification
Multitest tube systemsYesYesDurham tube, Kligler’s iron agar, triple sugar iron agar, R-B mediaOne inoculation per system, more than 1 reaction possible in each tube
Rapid (spot) testsYesNoCatalase, oxidase, indole productionIndividual colony mixed with a reagent, reaction develops within seconds, based on preformed enzyme
Multitest kitsYesYesPathoTec, API, AuxoTab, Enterotube, Micro-MediaManual inoculation of trips or tubes containing small compartments of media, able to test for ≥8 reactions in each kit
Automated growth-based systemsYesYesVitek, MicroScan, Phoenix, SensititreSingle inoculum device loaded onto small-to-large capacity machines, capable of ID and AST at the same time
Mass spectrometryYes/noNoVitek MS, MALDI BiotyperSingle colony inoculated on plate, laser fragments cell into peptidic fragments, AST on separate automated instrument