Content analysis of student responses to ways to improve the case report immersion activity
Improvement Opportunity | Frequency |
In-class comparison of each team’s findings | 23% |
In-class comparison of each team’s findings with that of the instructor | 23% |
More instructor examples | 15% |
More conceptual background instruction | 15% |
Instructor explanation of the assigned case report prior to activity | 15% |
Separate teams from each other (to reduce noise and distraction) | 8% |
Form smaller groups (activity involved groups of 5–6 students) | 8% |
Conduct both steps of the case report immersion activity on the same day (activity was split over 2 days) | 8% |
Provide the set of reflective questions in advance (questions were provided just prior to step 2 of the activity) | 8% |
Combine teams for step 2 of the activity (for more robust discussion) | 8% |