Table of Contents
Fall 2003; Volume 16,Issue 4
Araj, George F
- You have accessRapid MRSA Detection by a Latex KitRita Chediac-Tannoury and George F ArajAmerican Society for Clinical Laboratory Science October 2003, 16 (4) 198-202; DOI:
Campbell, Suzanne
- You have accessObtaining a Clinical Laboratory Science Degree via Distance TechnologySuzanne CampbellAmerican Society for Clinical Laboratory Science October 2003, 16 (4) 214-219; DOI:
Chediac-tannoury, Rita
- You have accessRapid MRSA Detection by a Latex KitRita Chediac-Tannoury and George F ArajAmerican Society for Clinical Laboratory Science October 2003, 16 (4) 198-202; DOI:
Gore, Mary Jane
- You have accessTrends and Technology: Fall 2003Mary Jane GoreAmerican Society for Clinical Laboratory Science October 2003, 16 (4) 249-251; DOI:
Hansen, Kathy
- You have accessState Licensure UpdateKathy Hansen and Don LavantyAmerican Society for Clinical Laboratory Science October 2003, 16 (4) 196-197; DOI:
Lavanty, Don
- You have accessState Licensure UpdateKathy Hansen and Don LavantyAmerican Society for Clinical Laboratory Science October 2003, 16 (4) 196-197; DOI:
Miele, Mary E
- You have accessHepatitis C Virus Infection: Detection and TreatmentMatthew L Rubinstein and Mary E MieleAmerican Society for Clinical Laboratory Science October 2003, 16 (4) 203-208; DOI:
Montoya, Isaac D
- You have accessEffecting–Translational –Research –PracticesIsaac D MontoyaAmerican Society for Clinical Laboratory Science October 2003, 16 (4) 194-195; DOI:
Rubinstein, Matthew L
- You have accessHepatitis C Virus Infection: Detection and TreatmentMatthew L Rubinstein and Mary E MieleAmerican Society for Clinical Laboratory Science October 2003, 16 (4) 203-208; DOI:
Smith, Linda A
- You have accessTransfusion Risks: Transmission of Viral, Bacterial, or Parasitic AgentsMichelle Wright-Kanuth and Linda A SmithAmerican Society for Clinical Laboratory Science October 2003, 16 (4) 220; DOI:
- You have accessTransfusion–Transmitted VirusesMichelle S Wright-Kanuth and Linda A SmithAmerican Society for Clinical Laboratory Science October 2003, 16 (4) 221-229; DOI:
- You have accessBacterial Contamination of Blood ComponentsLinda A Smith and Michelle S Wright-KanuthAmerican Society for Clinical Laboratory Science October 2003, 16 (4) 230-238; DOI:
- You have accessTransfusion–Transmitted ParasitesLinda A Smith and Michelle S Wright-KanuthAmerican Society for Clinical Laboratory Science October 2003, 16 (4) 239-251; DOI: