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Some decisions are not all that difficult. After a full and complex life at the University of Iowa, Marian and Ivan Schwabbauer have decided to retire. While at first glance that doesn't seem to impinge upon your life, a second glance at the masthead of Clinical Laboratory Science will bring a mixed reality home. The Schwabbauers have served first as Editor-in-Chief and then, most recently, as the Editorial Office. From improving turn around time to modernizing the process and making it electronically based, they have brought the journal process into the twenty-first century with style and graciousness. Often a person's effect on others is not known. So, here are just a few of the people they have helped and taught to be better editors, better reviewers, and better writers. Susan Leclair, Bunny Rodak, Kathy Doig, George Fritsma, Carol McCoy, Cheryl Caskey, and all of the guest editors. The list runs into the hundreds.
They have agreed to help the new editorial office staff adjust to their new responsibilities with the next issue of the journal and will be enjoying their new life by the end of this calendar year. While the editors are pleased that the Schwabbauers will be able to travel and enjoy their lives, we are intimately aware of our loss. Thank you Marian and Ivan for more than you know.
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