Article Figures & Data
PatientAntibody Screen With Untreated Reagent Cells (AHG Phase) Antibody Screen With DTT-treated Reagent Cells (AHG Phase)
Autocontrol1 SC I 1+ SC I Negative Negative SC II 1+ SC II Negative SC III 1+ SC III Negative 2 SC I 1+ SC I Negative Negative SC II Negative SC II Negative SC III 1+ SC III Negative 3 SC I Negative SC I Negative Negative SC II Weak SC II Negative SC III 1+ SC III Negative 4 SC I 1+ SC I Negative Negative SC II 1+ SC II Negative SC III 1+ SC III Negative SC, screening cell.
Anti-K Plus Reaction Interpretation Positive control (K+k+) 4+ Positive Negative control (K−k+) 0 Negative DTT-treated SC II (K+k+) 0 Negative SC, screening cell.
Anti-K Plus Reaction Interpretation Positive control (K+k+) 3+ Positive Negative control (K−k+) 0 Negative DTT-treated SC II (K+k+) Weak Positive SC, screening cell.
Reagent CostUnit
Volume (mL)Drops
per UnitCost
per DropNumber
of Drops UsedVolume
Used (mL)
Total CostDTT $53.58 2 40 $1.40 12 N/A $16.80 SC I $60.00 10 200 $0.30 7 N/A $2.10 SC II $60.00 10 200 $0.30 7 N/A $2.10 SC III $60.00 10 200 $0.30 7 N/A $2.10 PEG $21.00 10 200 $0.11 14 N/A $1.47 Anti-immunoglobulin G $28.50 10 200 $0.14 14 N/A $1.96 Check cells $32.00 10 200 $0.16 3 N/A $0.48 Anti-K antisera $250.00 5 100 $2.50 3 N/A $7.50 K+ panel cell $30.00 5 100 $0.30 1 N/A $0.30 K− panel cell $30.00 5 100 $0.30 1 N/A $0.30 PBS $20.00 1000 N/A N/A N/A 226 $5.42 Total N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $40.53 N/A, not applicable; SC, screening cell.
Supply Cost per Individual
Number of Supplies Used
Total Cost12×75-mm test tubes $0.02 13 $0.26 Transfer pipets $0.03 21 $0.63 Total N/A N/A $0.89 N/A, not applicable.