Article Figures & Data
Program Goals Educational Objectives 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Theoretical knowledge √ √ √ √ √ √ Practical skills √ √ √ √ Critical thinking √ √ √ √ √ √ Research √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Communication skills √ √ √ Ethics √ √ √ √ √ √ Lifelong learning √ √ √ √ √ √ A checkmark (√) indicates the program goal is served by the respective educational objective.
Coursework Educational Objectives 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Biology I I General chemistry I Organic chemistry D Biochemistry D I I Anatomy and physiology D I I General microbiology D I I Clinical chemistry I D I D I I I Hematology I D I D I I I Medical microbiology D D D I I I Clinical chemistry II M D I/D M I I D I Hematology II M D I/D M D D D I Diagnostic microbiology M D I/D M D D D I Body fluids M D I/D D D D D I Immunology and serology M D I/D D D D D I Transfusion medicine M D I/D M D D D I Internship courses M M M M D Capstone course M M M M M Research project M M M M M M M I, Introduce; D, Develop; M: Master.
Year Objective Assessment Activity Course
Used for
AssessmentTarget 1 Acquire knowledge related to the field of medical laboratory science. Quiz Clinical chemistry I At least 75% of students achieve a score of 3 or more on a 4-level scale rubric. 1 Acquire knowledge related to the field of medical laboratory science. Analytical written essay Transfusion medicine At least 75% of students achieve a score of 3 or more on a 4-level scale rubric. 1 Gain practical skills in order to conduct competent laboratory testing. Case study Medical microbiology At least 75% of students achieve a score of 3 or more on a 4-level scale rubric. 1 Gain practical skills in order to conduct competent laboratory testing. Case study Medical parasitology At least 75% of students achieve a score of 3 or more on a 4-level scale rubric. 1 Develop communication skills. Affective behavior Hematology I At least 75% of students achieve a score of 3 or more on a 4-level scale rubric. 1 Develop a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development. Essay Capstone course At least 75% of students achieve a score of 3 or more on a 4-level scale rubric. 1 Develop communication skills. Affective behavior Diagnostic microbiology At least 75% of students achieve a score of 3 or more on a 4-level scale rubric. 2 Enhance critical thinking skills. Presentation Immunology and serology At least 75% of students achieve a score of 3 or more on a 4-level scale rubric. 2 Enhance critical thinking skills. Debate Capstone course At least 75% of students achieve a score of 3 or more on a 4-level scale rubric. 2 Demonstrate positive professional ethics, attitudes, and practices. Essay Laboratory management At least 75% of students achieve a score of 3 or more on a 4-level scale rubric. 2 Demonstrate positive professional ethics, attitudes, and practices. Essay Hematology II At least 75% of students achieve a score of 3 or more on a 4-level scale rubric. 2 Employ modern information technology. Lab experiment Clinical chemistry II At least 75% of students achieve a score of 3 or more on a 4-level scale rubric. 2 Develop a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development. Community project Internship courses At least 75% of students achieve a score of 3 or more on a 4-level scale rubric. 2 Employ modern information technology. Interactive skills Body fluids At least 75% of students achieve a score of 3 or more on a 4-level scale rubric. 2 Conduct research applicable to medical laboratory diagnostics and the improvement of patient care. Research project Research project At least 75% of students achieve a score of 3 or more on a 4-level scale rubric. Recommendation Rationale Action to
be TakenResponsibility Due Date Improve communication skills in students when interacting with peers and other professionals Evidence from assessment report that supports the recommendation Specific and precise Name of the responsible person Completion date of proposed action