Article Figures & Data
Variable n % Gender Male 3 6.8 Female 41 93.2 Academic level Freshman 4 9.1 Sophomore 9 20.5 Junior 6 13.6 Senior 25 56.8 Mean (SD) Range GPA 3.22 (0.64) 0.87–4.00 Range Quality of Life Mean SD Lower Limit Upper Limit Overall perception of quality of life 4.11 0.81 2.00 5.00 Overall perception of health 3.75 0.84 2.00 5.00 Physical domain 53.08 11.36 28.57 75.00 Psychological domain 64.49 11.31 37.50 83.33 Social relationship domain 68.94 26.25 16.67 100.00 Environmental domain 72.87 15.32 34.38 96.88 Grade Point
AverageOverall Perception of Quality of Life Overall Perception of Health
Physical Domain
Psychological DomainSocial Relationship
Domainr p r p r p r p r p r p Overall perception of quality of life 0.03 .841 Overall perception of health 0.12 .425 0.69 <.001*** Physical domain 0.18 .237 0.64 <.001*** 0.48 .001** Psychological domain -0.01 .954 0.71 <.001*** 0.60 <.001*** 0.69 <.001*** Social relationship domain 0.31 .039* 0.60 <.001*** 0.63 <.001*** 0.64 <.001*** 0.61 <.001*** Environmental domain 0.12 .454 0.67 <.001*** 0.55 <.001*** 0.62 <.001*** 0.74 <.001*** 0.64 <.001*** *Significant at .05 level; **Significant at .01 level; ***Significant at .001.